Buy MMT/ Methylcyclopentadienyl Manganese tricarbonyl from China Manufacturer
Are you planning to buy Methylcyclopentadienyl Manganese Tricarbonyl (MMT)? In this article, we are going to discuss everything that you should know about this chemical.
What is Methylcyclopentadienyl Manganese Tricarbonyl (MMT)?

Methylcyclopentadienyl Manganese Tricarbonyl is a chemical that contains two manganese atoms and cyclopentadiene functional groups.
Its empirical formula is (CH 3 ) 5 CpMnC(CO) 3 . It employs its own nomenclature, in which the prefix MMT indicates the presence of an Mn-substituted cyclopentadienyl group.
Key Properties of MMT
Physical properties that you should know are:
- Molecular Weight – 473.12 g/mol
- Melting Point – 121 deg C;
- Boiling Point – 217 deg C at 8 mmHg;
- Density (Specific Gravity) – 1.26 g/cm 3 ;
- Molar volume – 82.2 cm 3 /mol;
- Enthalpy of Vaporization – 1,317 kJ/mol;
- The entropy of Fusion – 46.6 J/(K·mol)
Is Methylcyclopentadienyl Manganese Tricarbonyl (MMT) A Toxic Chemical?
There is a lot of misconception about the toxicity of this chemical in spite of its legal status and long history.
The common claim is that MMT has not been approved by US EPA and thus it should be considered a toxic chemical.
This notion is completely wrong because EPA has allowed the use of this chemical for many applications including road de-icing, dust control on unpaved roads, and as an additive to gasoline.
To support the fact that this chemical is not a toxic one, it is necessary to know how EPA measures the toxicity of chemicals.
For this purpose, they use oral reference dose (RfD) which compares the exposure level with the amount of substance that causes no observable adverse effect in humans during its lifetime.
The value for RfD is 0.004 mg/kg/day based on liver damage in male rats by 30 months of administration of test substance orally.
As we can notice that since the value is very less than our everyday life dosage through food, water, air, etc.
MMT does not cause liver damage and hence it is non-toxic for human health.
Is Methylcyclopentadienyl Manganese Tricarbonyl (MMT) Hazardous to the Environment?
EPA has allowed this chemical as a dust control agent on unpaved roads, de-icer in some states for a road to iron out icy conditions during the winter season, and as an additive to gasoline to improve combustion efficiency in engines.
Its presence with other heavy metals at lower concentrations can be potentially hazardous and may impact negatively on the environment.
But in the given application including production and transportation; no such problem is observed so far.
Is Methylcyclopentadienyl Manganese Tricarbonyl (MMT) Flammable?
Yes, Methylcyclopentadienyl Manganese Tricarbonyl (MMT) is indeed, especially when handled recklessly.
It can be safely transported through highways, but only when packaged properly and without any spillage or leakage.
Otherwise, it can lead to dangerous incidents and escalating costs for transport agencies/companies due to emergency response actions such as roadblocks.

What are the uses of Methylcyclopentadienyl Manganese Tricarbonyl (MMT)?
MNMT is currently being used as an additive in diesel fuel, gas oil, and jet fuels to improve engine performance.
This chemical works by boosting the combustion efficiency of engines especially when the temperature is low.
For example, it increases the burning rate of the gasoline-air mixture at low temperature for better combustion which results in reduced emissions too.
How does MNMT Improves Engine Performance?
To understand how Methylcyclopentadienyl Manganese Tricarbonyl (MMT) helps in improving engine performance. It’s necessary to know about some terms:
- Catalytic Converter – The main purpose of this unit is to remove harmful carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons from the exhaust gases produced during the process of combustion of gasoline.
When carbon monoxide is not removed properly, it causes health hazards and can even be fatal in higher quantities. Hydrocarbons on the other hand cause degradation to the engine oil and decrease its life spans.
- Catalyst – A catalyst is a chemical that affects the rate of reaction but remains relatively unchanged at the end of the process (reversible).
Catalysts are used to make chemical reactions happen faster by making different parts in reactants come together more quickly or by helping substances join in a way that makes them easier to combine chemically.
They often do this by providing an alternative path for energy so that the same amount of work gets done more quickly.
How Does Methylcyclopentadienyl Manganese Tricarbonyl (MMT) Help in Reducing Hydrocarbons?
A catalyst helps in the reduction of hydrocarbon emission through three different ways:
- MMT was found by researchers to be a very effective additive for diesel engines because they contain nickel-based “cata catalysts”.
It works by turning into ash after combustion and clogs up the pores in the catalyst, effectively slowing down the chemical reactions that produce noxious emissions.
Does Methylcyclopentadienyl Manganese Tricarbonyl (MMT) Work as a De-Icing Agent?
While it is true that this compound has some effect on melting away snow and ice from the road surface, its effect is less than that of rock salt.
The difference in the concentration of MMT with other chemical de-icers like rock salt makes it weaker and isn’t as effective as expected.
It does have some advantage though: it leaves no residue on the road that can damage car bodies when they drive over them later.
So it is a good alternative for snow/ice removal but not a great one.
Factors to consider when buying Methylcyclopentadienyl Manganese Tricarbonyl (MMT)
There are two aspects of Methylcyclopentadienyl Manganese Tricarbonyl (MMT): The application for which it is used and the quantity to be utilized. Here are some factors that should be considered when buying this compound:
As an additive to fuels, MMT mainly serves as a combustion enhancer. It can also be found in lesser quantities in other industries where more accurate measurement isn’t required – like the leather tanning industry, metal finishing industry, rubber processing industry, etc.
Technical Grade or Chemical Grade? :
This chemical has both technical grade and chemical grade varieties available for purchase through reputed online chemical suppliers or local vendors.
Technical grade products is lower purity product that usually has contaminants and other elements.
On the other hand, chemical grade MMT is purer with close to zero impurity content.

How Much Does Methylcyclopentadienyl Manganese Tricarbonyl Price
Depending upon the application, quantity required and manufacturer, Methylcyclopentadienyl Manganese Tricarbonyl (MMT) can vary in price.
A 30 kg drum containing technical grade MMT costs around $450-500 on average.
However, if you are looking for chemical-grade MMT then it will be priced at a higher rate that may go up to around 10X or more than that of technical-grade MMT per unit volume/weight.
High purity products come with very high price tags as they are used in select applications where quality matters but there is no compromise on the safety or health of workers handling them directly.
You may also consider contacting the MMT manufacturer directly whenever you want to buy this chemical. They will give you information about the purity and price of Methylcyclopentadienyl Manganese Tricarbonyl for sale in China